Stanmore recognises the Barada Barna, Widi and Jangga People as the Traditional Owners of the land we operate on, and respect and acknowledge their role as custodians of the land and waterways.

All our sites aim to strengthen the partnerships that we have established with First Nations peoples, and we have procedures to reflect this. Our Relationship Committee meets with Traditional Owner representatives quarterly, to discuss ongoing collaboration opportunities, review cultural heritage management plans, and ensure that our operations are conducted in a manner that respects and work with their cultural, environmental, and historical connections to the land. This collaborative approach aims to foster mutual understanding, respect, and benefits for all parties involved.

We also understand that a fundamental part of respecting and building relationships with First Nations peoples is the responsible management and care of the land and resources that surround our operations. Our goal continues to be to restore the land used to its original state post-mining, and our operational planning and impact assessments are currently in place to ensure this.

Reconciliation Action Plan

In 2023, Stanmore’s reconciliation efforts and commitments were formally documented within our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which was endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. This represents a significant milestone in our journey of formal reconciliation with further steps to come. 

Indigenous Land Use Agreements 

We have entered into Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUA) for both Isaac Plains and South Walker Creek. These agreements are voluntary and involve the Barada Barna People, Widi People, the State of Queensland, and Stanmore. They pertain to the utilisation and appropriate stewardship of the land where our operations are conducted. 

We are committed to further developing these relationships through both formal channels (such as our ILUA and RAP) as well as more informal channels. 

At Isaac Plains, we have collaborated closely with the Barada Barna people on cultural heritage mapping and clearances since 2016. We extended this relationship to encompass the Isaac Downs project from 2019 to 2022. Throughout 2023, Stanmore consistently engaged with representatives from BBAC and GNWAC. These interactions affirmed the significance and priority of employment opportunities for the families of Barada Barna and Widi Common Law Holders. 

Our South Walker Creek ILUA Relationship Committee, comprising representatives from Stanmore, the BBAC, and GNWAC, convene quarterly to address matters pertaining to the agreements, as well as to exchange general updates and concerns.